LaPTop BerJaGa SepanJang Malam... =) gara2 nora elena...hehehe

assalamualaikum dan selamat pagi dan good  morning dan annayeongseo....hehehe....

i had just wake up in the morning and I terus check my lappy whether alive lg or not... hehehe... sepanjang malam i wait just to download NORA ELENA pny episod... I slept almost at 5 in the morning and it is same lah dengan masa download yg I kena tgu selama 5 jam so I pn tidur and bgn2 tepat2 pukul 10... so I just have to wait a bpe minit to watch full download this drama episod...

cakap pasal Nora Elena lah kan... semalam ada my friend post status kt FB tny ape lah yg besz sgt dgn Nora Elena tu... die ckp peminat Nora Elena yg tgk tu sb ada Seth Tan je... bkn setan ye... nama watak tu Seth Tan yg d lakon kan oleh Aaron Aziz... the hensem guy ever... he is so romantik and full with love but sepandai2 tupai melompat akhirnya jatuh ke tanah juga kan... rahsia yg dia simpan dari Nora Elena akhirnya terbongkar... cuma yg terbongkar ag Yvonne yg cuba mejatuhkan rumah tangga diorang tu bila lah Seth dgn Nora dgn Amir nak sedar... orang macam itu ibarat gunting dalam selimut... menjadi orang kepercayaan Seth dan Nora tapi kenapa lah diorang tak sedar... mungkin sebab Seth dah kenal Yvonne lama kan... tapi Seth kenal AMir dgn Nora lagi lama 10 thn... jadi mana satu nak lebih percaya??? kadang2 manusia pun buat silap tapi manusia yang menghasut orang lain buat silap bukan manusia namanya... manusia bertopengkan setan... oppsss silap... nates... hehe... teremosi lah pulak sekejap... 

okay sambung balik perdebatan antara my friend and I and friend2 dia... i boleh pulak pergi masuk perfileman pasal KRU lah ape lah padahal nk debat pasal drama melayu je pun... hehehe... my friend tak puas hati sebab friend2 die sume ckp pasal Nora Elena sedangkan die sikit pn x heran nk tgk... as for me, it is not about the actor or actress that we actually found out they are cute, hensem, gorgeous, elegan and so on it is about the actor or actress how they delivery the story to the audience... first I found that actually i am not a good malay drama favorite either but as for this kind of reason I totally agree that malay drama not bad to be watch... they have their own speciality than english dramam or korea drama... dulu, kebanyakan drama rosyam nor jadi dah lama2 asyik tgk rosyam nor je so penonton mestilah muak kan... so bila something different like Nora Elena, Juvana, the audience know how to nilai the quality of that kind of drama... i just hoping that fenomena Nora Elena pulak menjadi pengganti Nur Kasih... sebab that what I saw... as for another reason Nora Elena actually mostly show about how to make love, how to give the love, how to show the love because is infinity... even enemy can make love... even about love people going crazy until destroy someone happiness...

when I watch Nora Elena I have been thinking that I want to make a novel... hehehe... actually this is not the first time... everytime I watch drama that with love or been adaptasi from novel i just want to make novel... and then my novel terbantut... everytime... hehehehe.... silly me... but with that we can make money meh... :)

as for the ending... there is still 4 episode to be watch until end for Nora Elena so next week is the finale week for Nora Elena... everybody who love Nora Elena just watch in peaceful... and also support our own industry... btw, the actress that memegang watak Nora Elena is adik Sam Bunkface... so no wonder lah people in our industry is more towards siblings... whether sisters as actress or sisters as singer, same goes to brothers or even one happy family an artists.... cool hah... okay, I love Nora Elena drama and also the actor and actress...

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